Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro

Saqib Raza
2 min readAug 21, 2020

“Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.”― Mark Twain

Procrastination is to delay or put the work for the next day results in failure to go to the extra mile and effects one’s productivity. It is a common habit of most of human beings from which we all are struggling more or less. Everyone of us try to tackle this unwanted habit as it is a major constraint in our progress. In order to overcome the procrastination there is a superb technique named ‘Pomodoro’. This technique enhance or increase our productivity with great extent.

Pomodoro technique

I was also suffering with the habit of Procrastination a lot. Therefore, I have tried the Pomodoro technique when I was taking the recorded lectures of the University. It was really a great exposure so far and I find it immensely simple and easy. As I have started my lectures and apply this technique, also taken approx. 5 minutes rest to keep my mind fresh. And I also switched my mobile off so that I could not get distracted. By accomplishing this approach I feel that it enlarges my productivity in less time. It approximately saved my half an hour.

The step in this technique of taking rest plays an important role in productivity as by taking rest our mind becomes refresh because our brain can not be work continuously. I have also noted the distraction like reminder of different tasks were popping up in my mind and also I was greatly distracted by my family members. I was dive into distraction but I have controlled this by the Pomodoro technique.


As a result of this experience I have decided to continue this technique in all of my work. As I find this technique beneficial in increasing the productivity with mammoth extent.

